My Journey

About my


Born in Canada, raised across the North America, and matured throughout Latin America, I am honored to be able to call Colombia my home.

My greatest wisdom comes from my own life experiences; from enduring sexual abuse to practicing sexual empowerment, from internal dialogues of self-doubt & self-hatred to experiencing self-confidence & self-love, from abusive codependent relationships to cultivating deep relationships built on self-sufficiency & mutual respect. I have experienced, survived & flourished through these so-called “tragedies” and have gained wisdom & valuable lessons through these experiences that I can now share to help you transform your “traumas” into self-empowerment.

I spent most of my life living as a nomad. When I celebrated my second year of life, my mother decided to hop in a van with her soon-to-be-husband and her sister to drive across Canada selling magazines door-to-door. By the age of 20, I experienced my first trip to Mexico and knew that I wanted to see as much of the world as I could. For as long as I can remember, I’ve known that I could be and do whatever I dreamed about, but I was stuck in a wheel of giving my power away, frustration and depression. I knew I had potential and that there was more to life than this, but it wasn’t until I got sick that I realized that only I had the power to change my life. I so began my journey of reclaiming my power.

Sexually abused, depressed, drugged, overworked and under-loved, I CRASHED. I had a severe burn-out which led to my divorce and travels to Mexico, Costa Rica, Thailand, Peru & Bolivia. I embarked on a journey of self-healing, which invited me to spend a full year in an active relationship with Me, Myself, and I. Through Vipassana Meditation, Yoga, The Moon Dance, Vision Quest, and Ancestral Plant Medicine ceremonies, I discovered my abandoned inner-child, my sacred Feminine & Masculine, as well as how to harmonize my Chakras and my life force energy. I started taking workshops and getting certified in everything that resonated with me at a deep level, from reiki, munay-ki, yoga, coaching to sound healing. I had no idea what I wanted to do or be, but it didn’t matter because I was enjoying life and finding peace & healing through my experiences.

A life

integration Facilitator

After many certifications, countries, ceremonies, and experiences, I ended up in Egypt for an event led by Matias de Stefano. 1500 people from all over the world reunited in Egypt to do a planetary activation inside of the Great Pyramid of Giza. During this activation, I was shown my Life Purpose.
To actively participate in the co-creation of a New World with New Values through the creation of a community of Energy-Workers & Earth-Guardians, now called Los Elementales.
Amidst this vision, I understood, not from my mind but from remembering an innate truth, that everything is energy, and that by transforming myself and elevating my energy to resonate with the frequency of Love, that I have transformed my reality and thus the part of the world that I interact with.
I am a fragment of the One, the creator of all existence, here to experience, feel, learn, co-create with and be of service to humanity.

By integrating all of my life-changing experiences, I understood that we are who we THINK we are. That our thoughts DO create our reality. That the reason behind all of this pain and suffering of the world is because of the conditionings of our mind. By trying to be who we think we should be, rather than just BEING who we truly are, we are continuing this vicious circle.
We have entered a new time, coming into the realization that life is malleable & infinite. That we no longer need to struggle and fight our way through life. We are the ones we have been waiting for.


As I continue to explore this experience we call life, I have been called to share my experience with others. Using the Human Design as a powerful guide to self-discovery, I have discovered that I am an Emotionally Intuitive Projector, also know as a Life Orchestrator based on the updated Quantum Human Design by Karen Curry Parker and that I was designed to help guide humanity by sharing my outer vision of the world and innovative ideas about how we can collectively make this world a more peaceful, enjoyable and authentic place. A few of my gifts as a Life Orchestrator are to collect and share experiences, expand the good in others, sense people’s needs, create togetherness, and to be a giver & provider. These gifts resonate deeply with me and continue to be my guiding light on this journey. I am not here to be a Guru. I am here to explore, integrate and share my journey through this experience we call life with the intention of inspiring other humans to do the same, and with a long-term goal of bringing collective wellness to humanity.

I hope you feel called to embark on this journey of self-discovery with me, so that we can co-create a better-quality of life for all.

I invite you to explore the rest of my site to discover how I can help you remember who you are and what your purpose is. I would be honored if you feel called to stay connected with me through my other channels: