

Not sure which service is best for you?

Schedule your free call to discover which tool is best for your unique situation and get a sense of what it’s like working directly with me to develop the personal change you want in your life.

“Healing” is an inside job. Only you can do it.
I am simply here to guide you in discovering your unique formula for success.

Veronika Starr



Get to know yourself better and deepen your connection with your inner guidance mechanism.


Gain a new perspective on your challenges and areas for improvement


Design an action plan to create long-lasting transformation

Take a moment to read about each method and FEEL into which one is right for you.

QHD Chart Readings

Ever asked yourself: “What is my purpose here?” 

The Quantum Human Design chart reading is a system that helps you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your personal struggles, improve your romantic and family relationships, find the career that you are meant for, and to improve your overall health and state of mind. Ready to create your best life ever?

Human Design Integration Session

Ready to put what you’ve learned about the Quantum Human Design into practice?

Book a follow-up call with me or Join other QHD enthusiasts and I as we discuss how what we’ve learned has changed our lives.

Discover techniques to follow your individual Strategy, different methods to respect your Authority and how to create opportunities to generate more abundance, joy and love in your life.


1:1 Personalized Coaching Session

Ready to make long-lasting changes in your life but don’t know where to start?

Need support creating a plan to bring about major transformation in your life? Whether you need support releasing blockages or want some help creating a better, more aligned life for yourself, I’ve got tons of powerful tools to share with you. Let me start by inviting you to book a free 30 minute consultation to share your needs with me and allow me to inform you how I can help.

Event Calendar


Check out my event calendar to see which part of the world I’m in and find out if you can come join me for an in-person experience.